Digital Storytelling with a Motion Graphic into Stopping Children’s in Verbal Bullying

  • Komda Saharja Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif, PSDKU Medan, Indonesia
  • Rasynal Tenrisanna Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif, PSDKU Makassar, Indonesia
Keywords: Digital Storytelling , Bullying, Motion Graphic, Perception Children behavior, Verbal harassment


Character education in young children is an important aspect in forming individual integrity in society. Digital storytelling is a modern information medium that can be used to disseminate useful information through interactive videos in the form of moving graphics without degrading or belittling other people as children. The aim of this research is to reduce verbal harassment behavior in young children and as a socialization medium that increases children's awareness to stay away from harassment behavior, both in everyday life and in the school environment. This research used moving graphics as a socialization tool to avoid harassment, both verbal and non-verbal. The results of this research show that the use of this media can provide effective learning to all individuals who watch moving graphic videos as a socialization tool through the pre-production, production and post-production stages. The results of this research indicate that information media can change individuals' perceptions about the dangers of abuse that they may experience as children. By this media, researchers emphasize the role of education in preventing harassment.

How to Cite
Saharja, K., & Tenrisanna, R. (2023). Digital Storytelling with a Motion Graphic into Stopping Children’s in Verbal Bullying. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 6(12), 69-77.