Convergences and Divergences of Special Education and Social Education

  • Inês Oliveira CI –ISCE, Research Center of the Superior Institute of Lisbon and Tagus Valley, Portugal
  • João Casal CI –ISCE, Research Center of the Superior Institute of Lisbon and Tagus Valley, Portugal
  • Luís Picado CI –ISCE, Research Center of the Superior Institute of Lisbon and Tagus Valley, Portugal


This study aims to assess the convergences and divergences of Special Education and Social Education in a school context, seeking to investigate the relationship between these two domains in a school context and understand how Higher Social Education Technicians (TSES) and teachers of Special Education perceive these relationships in the work they develop with students. A sample composed of seven Special Education teachers and seven Higher Social Education Technicians (TSES) from different geographical areas of Portugal was studied. As a data collection instrument, we used the questionnaire and semi-structured interview. The results obtained made it possible to sustain the relationship and complementarity between Special Education and Social Education, looking at the student as a whole, considering the educational, social, personal, cultural and psychological dimensions.


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