The Trace of Professionalization in the South African Public Service Amendment Bill and Public Administration Management Bill: A Comparative Analysis
The South African public sector has over the years seen erosion of professionalization and proliferation of corruption which is perpetuated largely through supply chain management processes. Politicians, officials, and business people are equally involved in the corrupt practices and more than anything it is driven by greed and indifference to the needs of the poverty-stricken communities. What is even worse is that the money stolen is meant to serve poor people and is stolen by relatively rich people. Erosion of ethical governance in the public sector has directly affected professionalization of the public service. Employees who do not qualify or meet the requirements are appointed to positions of authority so that they can pay back to those who appointed them through tenders. These corrupt officials become untouchable and cannot be disciplined even if there are proven allegations on financial misconduct. Corruption also erodes professionalization by chasing away true professionals from the public sector. That is the reason why many South African professionals are leaving the country and relocating to countries like Australia, New Zealand, etc. The South African government has tried through legislation to combat corruption in the public service and promote professionalization, but it is still too early to see if these attempts are successful or not. It is for this reason that this study focused on tracing professionalization in the Public Service Bill and Public Administration Management Bill. The comparative analysis revealed that the Public Service Bill can identify and address strategic and systemic challenges that will inhibit professionalization of the public sector and put some mechanisms to deal with those challenges. Whilst the Public Administration Management Bill is not necessarily criticised for not being upfront with the reforms that will help professionalization, its focus by its very nature is the administration and management of the provisions of the Public Service Act. It therefore remains to be seen if there will be any changes brought about by these amendments when they are accented into law by the President. The research was able to trace the elements that promote and support professionalization in the two Bills. However, it remains to be seen if, once these Bills are accented into law, they are implementable and can achieve the objectives of the respective amendments. On the main the two Bills aim to eradicate political interference from administration. The recommendation is that all parties involved (politicians and officials) should respect these two pieces of legislation and implement them as they are for the benefit of the public service.
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