Forms of the Display of Economic Criminality

  • Aid Çerkini LLM in Computer Criminology and Forensics, South Mitrovica, Republic of Kosova
Keywords: Economic Crime; Local Legislation; International Legislation; Gambling; Money Counterfeiting; Money Laundering


This paper examines Economic Criminality, with particular emphasis on the forms of presentation of Economic Criminality. The paper under consideration is the penle works which have an economic character. It is worth noting that the paper elaborates on the legal regulation of the criminal prosecution of these crimes. In the first part of the paper, we will talk about the development of economic criminality and the different opinions of the authors about economic criminality. During the elaboration of the literature, we will note what are the legislations that regulate this field, whether they are international or local. Then we will see what are the criminal offenses that are foreseen by the internal legislation, including the constitution, the criminal code, local laws, etc. We have given greater attention to certain offenses such as: forgery of securities and payment instruments, copyright infringement, consumer fraud, gambling, counterfeiting of money, illicit trade and money laundering. Through this paper, we will deal with the way in which different legislations have been changed which have regulated a certain scope. The paper focuses on the presentation of economic criminality, the types with which economic criminality is presented, the forms and legislation that regulates this field. The paper will examine local and international legislation, as well as any act that will enable the fight and prevention of economic crime.


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How to Cite
Çerkini, A. (2022). Forms of the Display of Economic Criminality. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(12), 28-36.