Legal Aspects of Environmental Protection

  • Mexhit Musa Faculty of Pharmacy and Health, University of Travnik, Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Keywords: Environment; Environmental Protection and Criminal Legislation; Phenomenological Aspects of Criminal Offenses against Environmental Protection; Preventive Measures; Repressive Measures and Legislation


The paper analyzes the importance of imposing mandatory treatment measures for perpetrators of criminal offenses and the factors that affect the mental state of perpetrators. In the occurrence of crime in a society, great influence have also sociopathological factors, in particular drug and alcohol addiction. Drug and alcohol addiction is defined as a chronic recurrent disorder and is a medical condition caused by repeated misuse of one or more narcotic substances. Due to the use of narcotic substances, a large number of criminal offenses or crimes occur. The number of drug users in Kosovo is increasing, especially from a young age. Compulsory treatment measures apply only to perpetrators with mental disorders because sentencing to imprisonment or other criminal sanctions would not provide an opportunity for re-socialization or reintegration of this category of offenders into society. For the treatment of offenders with mental disorders, the criminal legislation of Kosovo contains provisions for special procedures, for the very fact of sensitivity and care that should be exercised towards these persons. Although the imposition of compulsory treatment measures is of great importance, especially to perpetrators addicted to drugs or alcohol, the application of these measures in our country is not finding much application in practice.


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How to Cite
Musa, M. (2022). Legal Aspects of Environmental Protection. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 5(12), 278-286.