Criminal Law Policy for Overcoming Crimes of Sexual Violence in Indonesia
Criminal law policy in combating sexual violence in Indonesia is an essential part of efforts to protect human rights and social welfare. This paper provides an analysis of the criminal law policies that have been implemented in Indonesia in response to sexual violence. Through normative and descriptive approaches, this article explains the evolution of criminal law related to sexual violence, including relevant laws and significant changes in law enforcement. Criminal law policy in Indonesia faces complex challenges, including issues of defining sexual violence, access to justice for victims, and increasing awareness and legal education in society. This analysis also highlights the efforts of the government, law enforcement agencies, and non-governmental organizations in strengthening the criminal law system to protect victims of sexual violence, impose strict sanctions on perpetrators, and promote the prevention of sexual violence. Through a deep understanding of existing criminal law regulations and continuous policy updates, it is hoped that Indonesia can continue to improve its response to sexual violence, ensure justice for victims, and create a safe and inclusive environment for all citizens.
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