Criminal Law Policy Against Cyber Bullying Crimes in Indonesia
The occurrence of these crimes is due to the lack of contribution from law enforcement in carrying out supervision in the school environment, community, family and individuals in interacting both in online and offline media. Apart from that, there is a lack of understanding by the police in implementing the essence of the Hate Speech Circular of the Republic of Indonesia, the Criminal Code (KUHP). The objectives to be achieved in this article are criminal law policies against cyber-bullying crimes in Indonesia, and criminal law policies for the industrial revolution 4.0 era in resolving cyber-bullying crimes. This research uses normative juridical research which is qualitative in nature. The collection of legal materials is carried out by identifying and inventorying statutory regulations, researching library materials and other sources of legal materials. The legal issue analysis technique in this research uses mixed logic thinking. This means reasoning (law) which is a combination of inductive and deductive thinking patterns in concrete factual legal issues. The research results show that criminal law policies in resolving cyber-bullying crimes can be implemented by law enforcement officials in the form of the Criminal Code and Law no. 8 of 2018 concerning Electronic Information Technology by looking at the contents of the explanation article by article and the content of the crime committed by the perpetrator. Criminal law policies in the industrial revolution 4.0 era still refer to the rules that apply in Indonesia.
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